IceDump 0.1.0 beta is now released. In this version several bugs were fixed in order to ensure the compatibility with PHP 5.x (5.6.x), 7.x (7.4.x), 8.0.x and 8.1.x. More information in the Release Notes.

What's New
Started a new domain. The year 2022 may bring a nice set of projects. Stay tuned!
IceDump is an open source debugging tool that can be used freely during the development of the PHP applications. You can use this package instead of var_dump() or print_r() PHP functions.
It uses Document Object Model Level 3 XPath and Microsoft XMLDOM object (compatible with major browsers) and it evaluates xPath Version 1.0
A brand new website that describes the Next Level of ImpactClub.
The main objective of the RTLInfo website is to offer a large collection of news in different formats (classical text, audio, video, flash presentation) that are updated each minute and a rage of other web services...
A l’infini VideoPlayer is a web software that provides multimedia rich content to the end users by allowing website visitors to watch, download and podcast radio and TV shows from RTL channels.
BelRTL is the site of the first French-speaking Belgian Radio. You can listen live or recorded audio shows and you can even podcast them on your portable player.
Experience quality music produced expecialy for you. Online BPM music community, news, pictures, sounds, programs, forum, chat and lots more...